Don't forget to research the neighbourhood

Researching the neighbourhood you are thinking of moving to is crucial before you decide to buy.  

   Here are some tips and useful links on What to Research

1. How long?

Start with thinking how long you might plan to stay in the house you are buying. It's difficult to know exactly but if this is a place you think you'll stay for the long term, it's definitely worth doing some detailed research


2. Keep Safe

Check UK online crime databases for crime rates in the area, all you need is the name of the city or a postcode. Higher crime rate areas will mean higher insurance costs for your home and cars.

Crime Rates


3. Good Schools = Good Area

Even if you don't have children, researching school ratings and nearby educational facilities is worthwhile as good schools can be a sign of a strong community. Quality of local schools can impact the property's resale value (as well of course as your children's education!)



4. On your doorstep

Think about would you like nearby and what is important to you – maybe a gym or fitness centre, or a local corner shop or big supermarket (maybe a particular one!). Maybe you'd like to walk to your GP surgery or pharmacy, a park to walk the dog, or you'd like bars and restaurants in staggering distance of your home. This site works everything that is in walkable distance to you

On your doorstep


5. Getting around

Do you need to be by a train station or in easy access to some major roads to allow you to commute for work effectively? Maybe assessing the availability and frequency of buses, trains, and other public transport options is important to you.

Rail links       Road links




6. Is it worth it?

Assess the historical and current property values in the neighbourhood, and consider the potential resale value. This will help you decide if buying this home is a good investment and whether it is on the market for a good price

Property Value


7. Future Developments

The last thing you want is a big 3000 home development popping up at the back of your garden! Or the neighbouring property extension impacting the light and privacy to your home. Check for any future development proposals or planning permissions that could impact the property



8. Neighbourhood watch

We might mock the twitching curtain types, but they may just give you a heads up about want to expect in the neighbourhood. Does it have a nice atmosphere and community spirit? Is there lots going on – good stuff, not neighbour disputes? This site is great for seeing what's going on and getting a feel of the area


9. Is it serviced well?

These days perhaps the first question everyone wants to know is what's the mobile and internet connectivity like. Other useful services to know however include bin and recycling collection services, and utility services like, does the property have gas or maybe just oil, especially if the property is in a rural area

Mobile & Broadband     Local Services 


10. Spend time in the area

Nothing will beat spend time in the area to properly get a feel for it, to test out the local amenities, pubs, restaurants etc. It will also give you a chance to assess noise levels and other things that impact your living experience.

Check out too access to parks, nature reserves, or walking trails which can enhance your quality of life. Consider the air quality and the presence of any potential environmental hazards. They might not be top of your list now, but you'll be grateful later that you thought of them


Combining online research with personal visits will give you a comprehensive understanding of the neighbourhood's suitability for your needs and make sure you are making a good investment and you'll be happy with your home - hopefully for many years.